Let me shoot a question
Do you really think your life is "full"?
Or would you like to call it as"half" and something is needed to make it full?
Have you ever thought of the inner engineering of RELATIONSHIPS?
What most of the people assume is human life is not a full one, which badly needs something to complete it, hence humans search that missed something in others and try hard to suck it and add to their being in order to make it "full". In most of the cases the result would be disastrous as they feel its not the right half I was searching for. So what would be the solution?
Though it seems difficult, try hard to believe that human life is a "full" one from its inception and it is abundantly blessed by the almighty which hardly requires another half. We the ignoramus folks always believe and brainwash others that human relations are 'absolute' but in fact its not, instead human relations are 'varied'. When the rapport is good, things fall in its places, fantasy overtakes wisdom, romance becomes a routine, we tend to believe its going to be with us forever and ever and it has no end so its perfectly an absolute relation. Sooner or later things change for a good number of people and they end up in calling each other cheaters, liars and so on. So human relations are not absolute. If you really want to have an absolute relation with anyone,better you consider a dead body which would be an absolute relation.
I believe you may ask a question that is it not possible to have an absolute relation with human beings? Obviously its yes, but it should be conducted on a daily basis or else it would go in any direction.
Even if someone cheats on you, take it as a blessing to realize that you are a "full" one and its the right time to channelize your vigor and wisdom to another level we find pure bliss.
(to be continued)
(to be continued)
Inspiration: SADGURU